Monday, January 04, 2010

Liam at 19 months

(posted by Elizma)

Our beautiful boy is 19-months old and we can scarcely believe it. Slowly he is transitioning into a little boy (although there is still very much baby in him - even if he doesn't think so!)

This month his language skills has just exploded. The words are coming thick and fast and we can't keep up. He surprises us with new words every day - and has even started stringing 3 words together. He loves talking - non-stop! If he doesn't know the word, he just makes one up... Yesterday we went on the super tube / flume at Woking Leisure Centre. He calls it the supe-tupe-tupe-tupe-choop. And the word is always followed with 'more' - he absolutely loved it!

He keeps us very busy and it's now almost impossible to take him shopping. He wants to walk everywhere himself and is not content to walk where WE want/need to go. So going out for something specific is just pointless.

Here are some photos of him on the 1st of January when he actually turned 19 months. More photos of him from December will follow in a separate blog.


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