Monday, August 10, 2009


(posted by Elizma)

Last weekend we went camping in Dorset with our friends Louis, Liani and their 2 children, Alika and Daniel.

Though the weather wasn't great, we enjoyed it immensely. Especially Liam. He ran around outside like a headless chicken on steroids! We couldn't keep him inside the tent. As soon as the tent's zip went up about 5 cm, he was on his knees trying to crawl through. He loved the big expanse of grass and kept trying to visit our neighbours. I had my hands full trying to keep him out of other people's tents - especially if they had a dog.

We spent one morning at Abbotsbury Children's Farm and another in Sherborne - a picturesque town with loads of quaint little shops.

We enjoyed the experience so much, Leon bought us a new tent the day after we got back and we're already planning our next trip.

For some more photo's click here.


At 11/8/09 11:55 am, Blogger BILL and RIA said...

Ten spyte van die weer lyk dit of dit GROOT pret was maar watter kind sal nie kamp geniet nie! Hy bly die soetste, oulikste, mooiste, slimste patroontjie in die hele wye wereld en ek is so bly dat dit lyk of hy na Ouma/Tannas gaan aard met dietjies! oumaRia

At 11/8/09 2:01 pm, Blogger Johan & Cecilia said...

Looks like you had lots of fun and the little man just keeps on getting bigger. What are you feeding him? :)


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