Monday, February 02, 2009

Snow! Glorious Snow!

(posted by Elizma)

Our neigbourhood is a fairytale at the moment. Snow started falling last night and it's still going. Up to 35cm or almost 14 inches in places in our garden.

It's made for a very exciting morning as you can imagine. Although we made it even more exciting for ourselves. Running out the house (before even brushing our teeth!) we played in the street with the neighbours and in the excitement I (Elizma) locked us out!

Leon had to walk to his parents - about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) down the road - to get the spare keys. Luckily Liam and I could spend the time in front of the fire with some of our neighbours. They even had some formula for him and he could have a nap in Chloe's cot. He was, and still is, so excited. Probably picking up the vibes from everyone around him. I wasn't in too much trouble with Leon as he enjoyed the walk and the views immensely. And I got treated to warm cups of coffee, toast etc. Thanks Kath and Jays!

Leon could obviously not go to work and it seems that he won't be able to go tomorrow either.

For some more photos, click here.


At 2/2/09 1:35 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Dit lyk magical ... soos 'n wonderwereld! Ek en Hannah het nou sit en die foto's gekyk en sy is baie impressed ... sy wil net weet waar is die baba se mamma?

At 2/2/09 3:54 pm, Blogger JOYCE TERESA (TESSY) BECHARD said...

a wonderland for sure. Now where is Oupa to help me build my first Snowman !!


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