Monday, February 09, 2009

Swimming Lessons

(posted by Elizma)

Liam is two lessons away from completing his level 1 swimming course. He's had an absolute ball and loved most of it. (He had to miss two weeks due to a cold and he wasn't happy the first time we took him back after that - he forgot almost everything.)

However, this past weekend he was back to enjoying it. He just wants to swim around and kick the water. Both instructors we've had have been really impressed with his natural kicking.

This weekend he also held on to the side by himself - with Leon letting go completely. It's quite amazing that an 8-month old knows how to do that.

He can't wait to show off his skills to all his Oumas and Oupas. And when we go to South Africa early next month he'll have many opportunities to practise.


At 10/2/09 4:58 am, Blogger JOYCE TERESA (TESSY) BECHARD said...

Congratulations and 3 cheers for LIAM enjoying his swimming.


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