At last a minute to blog again.
What 3 weeks this have been?! I actually can't believe that it has only been 3 weeks since Liam and I arrived back from South Africa. It feels like 3 MONTHS!
As many of you know already, Leon was admitted to hospital with encephalitis and meningitis on the day Liam and I landed from South Africa. He was discharged yesterday after spending 3 weeks in hospital. 3 weeks I wouldn't want over again - thank you very much.
Had it not been for the support we've had from family and friends alike, we would not have coped. For that I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart.
You don't realise how many people actually care until something like this happens. Some of our friends and family contacted us daily to offer their support and find out how Leon was doing. Some even more than once a day. We've had so many offers of help as well.
Writing this blog is kind of a signal that things are mostly back to normal.
All in all a good day...
"E" Your strengths shone through this whole episode, and true enough not something we want to go through again. Leon showed us all what he is made of "GUTS OF STEEL". My/our HERO is back on the road to recovery. This also serves as a very special thanks to all those beautiful people, family and friends around the globe. WOW you are the bestest best. Peanut/Outoppie/Oupa Bill.
God Bless Leon, Prayer is wonderful. and Family Always trys to help. Elizma and Liam we loved and thought of you all the way.
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