Friday, November 23, 2007

Hello world!

(posted by Leon)

Hi world. My name is ... uhh... well.... I don't seem to have one yet. But I've recently been hearing muffled talking coming from outside this cosy, warm swimming pool I live in. It sounded something like 'Baby Cowle', so you can call me that for now. I'm not sure if I'm a boy or a girl yet (it's dark in here so I can't have a know... down there), but I think I heard the voices say something about the clever doctors being able to tell in 8 weeks or so.

I'm having so much fun in here. I get to sleep a lot and then yesterday, I suddenly had this weird feeling, like I was being watched. I also heard excited voices (I keep hearing the same 2 voices, so I'm going to assume they're my mummy & daddy). So I decided to put on a bit of a show. I kicked my legs, waved my arms, arched my back and then for the grand finale I did a complete somersault. From the excited words I heard I think I was impressing my audience very much.

Anyway, just thought I'd say a quick Hi to everyone. I'm going to catch some sleep now, as all this growing is very tiring.

Oh, here is a little pic of me, my very first photo.

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you.

Baby Cowle.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Yes, we're still alive!

(posted by Leon)

I realise it's been ages since our last blog post, but sometimes Life just happens. Nothing spectacular, nothing blogworthy, just Life.

I'm trying to think if there's anything noteworthy to mention here.

Maybe... Did we mention that we're having a loft conversion done? The plans are in for approval, and work is scheduled to start in January -- at least there's something to look forward to after Christmas. It's going to be a large master bedroom with en-suite showerroom. We're really looking forward to having it. Not so much to the upheavel of getting it, though. :-)

What else? Well, to escape the winter we've decided we need some sun. So, we've booked a week-long break to Dubai. Just gonna go and relax in an all-inclusive resort. Maybe sightseeing for one day, but the rest of the time, just feet-up, bring-the-cocktails, soak-up-the-sun, sleep-late, do-nothin' relaxing. Leaving in 3 weeks. Can't wait!

Otherwise, not much else really. I promise it won't be as long before our next blogpost. Well, I'll try, ok? :-)