Time and Distance
Today I had a realisation of one of the many effects of time and distance.
When you move far away from people you care about you intially engage in regular communication. This can be through e-mails, texts (SMSs), telephone calls or any other of the various means available. But after a undetermined period of time passes, the time that elapse between each effort grows longer and longer, until one day all that remains is a smile on the lips when something you hear or see reminds you of them.
We become not only lazy to communicate, but our lives evolve and grow away from each other and before we know it, months pass by without any contact. This does not in any way diminish the times you spent together or the love you still have for each other.
And then sad things happen them. They experience loss or suffer hard times and you want to reach out to them with all you have. And you realise that over time and distance, a kind of 'incapability' developed to touch these people in the words and ways you used to. You wish you could revert back to the times they turned to you when they needed support. But these times have long gone and they have built new structures and friendships they rely on.
And it makes you feel helpless. You can only pray for them and hope that the few words you have to offer convey your feelings - be it at a different level. And you pray that they know, that in your heart, nothing has changed...